Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bowl Cancer Kidney Questions To Test You Morals...?

Questions To Test You Morals...? - bowl cancer kidney

1-If you are along and hit a dog or a cat or a pet for someone and killed him, stop and figure out who the owner. Or off the road and you do something? Would you leave it here does it take?

2-If you would Somone had to kill with his hands to end world hunger or cancer, or pain in the world they do?

3-Can you eat a bowl of live crickets for $ 1 million to?

4 - If you saw a person hit by a car or seeing a car accadent be used before you could stop and help the people, or driving?

5-If you saw a child to beat their parents in public or anything hard as it would be easy to ignore or do?

6-Someone you have never met the need for a kidney transplant. You are one of the few people who can supply the kidneys. Do not have a moral obligation to provide kidney seems to be more important if this person was a cousin instead of a non-parents?

We need these questions in writing seminar at any time. I wanted to see what other peoplePLE has been shown.


hitman said...

1) I can not drive yet and I wouldnt kill an animal, because I am a vegetarian
2) if it was my last resort
Do not eat 3) animals of any kind
4) I want to help
5) do something
6) My cou7sin is healthier than you know

theres answers ...

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